Why A Psychic Gets Your Life Purpose Wrong
Why do people come to see me as an intuitive? They seek direction. They want to know how to choose wisely between this outcome and that in a given situation.
And they want to know how to live a life that brings them happiness.
When such people sit down with me, it’s always a dialogue, never a monologue.
It’s important that my clients know that they have free will, that there are always many possibilities to consider, and that ultimately the person who must choose for them is the one in the mirror.
But not all psychic readers work that way.
If the psychic believes in the concept of fortune-telling and their ego says “I must dispense life-changing information,” the client will often be told what they should be doing with their life, as if such pronouncements are Karmic imperatives.
And later, when those people come to me, they are convinced they are doing something wrong.
“Madame Hoohah told me that I should be taking care of children and running a daycare center because part of my Karma is service to the next generation. But I can’t stand being around kids all day. In fact, I don’t have any and don’t want them. Does that mean I’ll never do what I’m supposed to do?”
“Swami Swellanda said I was a scientist last time and so this time I have to concentrate on the arts. But I love robotics, and I’m tutoring high schoolers in mathematics and physics. Do I have to give all that up?”
There are two major problems in these scenarios.
First, the intuitive told the clients what they should be doing, or they have to do. And that means that the intuitive is not taking free will into account, or the possibility that they just might be wrong in what they are hearing for their client.
Secondly, even if the message about caring for the next generation or working in the arts was correct, the hows of those situations should be up to the client to explore.
When your purpose engages your passion, then it’s far more likely you will succeed and find happiness in the bargain.
For the woman who was meant to serve the next generation: what is her main interest?
If it’s health and nutrition, then perhaps she wants to teach kids how to nourish themselves as they learn their way around a kitchen.
Or she can write a cookbook.
Or she can make a point of volunteering at a food bank or a place that serves meals to the homeless, taking a bit of time to explain why what’s being served is so much better than junk food or fast food.
What about the woman who is told that arts should be her direction?
She might explore the beauty of creating fractals, and the intricacies of mathematics involved.
She might enjoy the precision of origami.
She could spend time pondering the artwork of Escher, the Dutch artist famous for mathematically inspired woodcuts and lithographs.
When you are exploring what your believe your purpose is for this lifetime, don’t do something because you think you have to.
Do it because you would love to, because it fascinates you, and you want to share that passion with others.
That is the best way to truly live as you were meant to.