When Getting A Psychic Reading Won’t Help
You’d think this was the LAST thing I’d say to you: “Don’t have a reading with me!” But there are times when a divination session with a psychic won’t get you the answers you need, or support you in ways that serve you best.
There are also classic behaviors that a professional psychic will see that are Warning Signs. Some of the situations may seem ludicrous to you (“I would never do that!”); but, trust me, they can and do happen.
What might some of these be?
Example 1: The client feels they absolutely MUST hear a certain answer to a question.
If that’s the case, I KNOW that the client won’t listen to what the Universe wants to tell them, no matter how clear I make it.
Every psychic intuitive I know has A Story About That Client who was so set on having (or keeping) a relationship, or not having to face the consequences of a situation, or wanting their will to override someone else’s, that they asked the same question over and over, tilting it ever so slightly to see if they can get us to give them the answer they want.
Here’s an example of that kind of manipulation:
Client: Does Bruce think about me?
Psychic: No.
Client: Has he ever thought about me?
Psychic: Not the way you want.
Client: If I do [such-and-such] will he think about me?
Psychic: No.
Client: Is he going to call soon?
Psychic: He isn’t.
Client: Well if he isn’t going to call soon, will he call later?
This person is SO DESPERATE for a relationship with Bruce that she won’t accept that it isn’t what HE wants.
So she keeps pounding on the psychic with question after question, hoping they’ll finally say “Yes, he loves you and wants seven babies with you, but he just doesn’t know it yet.”
NO. Just no.
Example 2: The client is extremely negative/angry about a situation.
In this case, the client refuses to hear how to change the situation into a win-win or walk away with the Life lesson. Here’s a real-life example from one of my Canadian shows years ago:
Client: Can you tell me where my ex-husband is sleeping with his mistress?
Psychic: No, I don’t do remote spying.
Client: Well, is he with the same one or a different one?
Psychic: I don’t do remote spying, I’m sorry.
Client: How many prostitutes has he cheated on me with?
Psychic: That is still remote spying.
Client: Oh. Well, is he sick? Is he going to die soon? Can I still get his money?
Another situation:
Client: My supervisor at work is mean to me. Is he going to get any nicer?
Psychic: No
Client: Is his supervisor going to make him stop harassing me?
Psychic: No
Client: Is he going to fire me?
Psychic: No
Client: But if he doesn’t like people he fires them. Are you sure he won’t fire me?
Psychic: It doesn’t appear so in anything I am seeing.
Client: I have a meeting with him tomorrow. Is he going to fire me then, or should I quit first?
Clearly, both people are so emotionally tangled in their difficulties that they won’t accept objective information on how to improve things. They refuse to listen to reality.
And as for the remote spying (which I define as reading someone in an emotionally volatile situation who has not asked to be read), it is — in my opinion — both unprofessional and unethical.
If John and Susan are dating, each can ask about the other. If they break up, neither one can ask about who the ex-partner is dating because it’s no longer their business.
I am adamant about this. It sets the client up for unscrupulous charlatans who’ll convince them that they have bad luck, or there is a curse, or there is a hole in their aura, or there are Karmic knots to untie.
Instilling such “false fear” in a vulnerable client can result in the theft of thousands of dollars.
That’s when the charlatan gets the client to believe that the situation cannot be overturned without paying for burning $100 curse-break candles in the dozens, special rituals that only the fraud can perform for them, and so on.
Example 3: The client is so despondent about life that they refuse to see any hope or positivity that the reading brings.
In these cases, it’s as if the client wants the intuitive to solidify their worldview that Life is Awful. For example:
Client: I never have any friends.
Psychic: I am seeing new friendships for you in the spring.
Client: But they never stay; they always leave me.
Psychic: Do you want to look at what can change that?
Client: No, why bother. It never works. Why am I so lonely?
As intuitives, we’ve chosen our profession because we want to give people hope in their future and tools to make their lives better.
If you simply want confirmation that your life is awful, that you deserve it, and that it will never change — there are other places that will prove you right. A professional intuitive’s office isn’t one of them.
Example 4: The client is so unsure about their own ability to control their life that they come to a psychic too frequently.
There is no all-encompassing answer for how often you should work with us. Some people feel empowered with plenty of information if they see me once every couple of years. Some people have an annual visit set up.
And some seek me out more often. Yes, that’s appropriate IF they’ve taken the information I gave them, worked with it, and their life has now moved forward.
For instance, if someone comes to me for one of my entrepreneur readings, and two months later their business is in a different place, and they want to review some new directions, I am happy to schedule another appointment.
However, if a client comes to me repeatedly asking the same questions, and I give them the same information as the last session — which they refuse to act on — after three readings, I’m like a good bartender: I cut them off. They’re wasting their money — and my time.
And the client who comes in with constant minutiae and overly-detailed questions?
They’re not willing to do any of their own work — and the session won’t serve them. Here’s an actual example from a reading I did years ago:
Client: I need to know what needs to be done to sell our house: what furniture goes and how to sell it, what furniture needs to be bought and where to get it, what rooms to be painted and what colors, what to do with the fireplaces, what to do with kitchen counters and cupboards, what to do with the flooring throughout the house; what to do with the basement and how to decorate it; what to do with the garden/furniture for comfort and resale, and which doors and windows to replace.
I am a psychic, not an interior designer OR a real estate agent. SHE could answer these questions with some logical thought and research into what’s working for house sales these days. This had absolutely nothing to do with psychic information!
Example 5: Specifically, with regard to mediumship, the client constantly wants to speak with their deceased loved one.
First: know that I feel if you can connect personally with those on the Other Side, you should feel free to do so. If they come in for you, then they want the connection too!
For example, I often hear from my father — a splendid physician who Crossed Over in 2001, but who apparently enjoys working with me in medical intuitive readings from Upstairs.
What gives me a Red Alert is when a client repeatedly seeks to talk to a spouse or a child because they can’t bear to move on without their loved one in their life. They have no real need to speak to the one who’s Crossed Over, but just want to hold on to the contact.
This desperation around the dead means that the client still here can’t heal from the grief and tears and move forward with life; instead, it keeps them in a permanent state of mourning.
In those cases, I don’t continue connecting them with the Departed; I explain to the client that they must let go, gently suggesting that they look at why they’re so desperate to retain the connection when Karmically there’s more life for them to live on their own, with new lessons and possibilities.
I encourage them to open their own connections, so that they no longer have to spend money to reach their loved ones so frequently.
I also point out that by consistently seeking to reach their Departed Ones with such desperate emotion, it can tangle up their evolution from personality to Spirit, especially in the early stages. Once this stage is completed, loved ones can freely choose to make spirit form or sound visitations, inspire memories, or appear in a dream to let us know they continue loving us from the Other Side.
You see, all these examples (and my responses to them) point to the crucial goal of every good intuitive: we want our clients empowered, not dependent; we want them to be willing to move ahead and learn, not stuck in a particular situation or “pity party.”
We want to be of true service, not an inappropriate crutch or tool.
So, next time you want a reading, ask yourself these questions:
Am I in the right frame of mind for it?
Will I listen objectively?
Do I want answers or mere reassurance that what I want can happen?
Am I willing to consider other roads, other choices, or other possibilities?
Am I willing to be responsible for my own life or do I want someone to “fix” everything for me?
If you can answer those questions honestly — if you see me because you want to move ahead in your life and discover how to make the best of what you have — then I’m delighted to be a guide on your Earthwalk, and welcome the chance to be part of your explorations.