Thoughts On Channeling
Sometimes I run across a colleague who gives “channeled messages” from an angel, or a guide, or something Other than Themselves. And they have thousands of followers, who hang onto every word of those channeled messages.
I used to wonder “why can’t I channel like that?” and believed that my work was somehow lesser than theirs, because I didn’t have as many followers, didn’t sell as many peripherals — those little things that people collect for themselves — and didn’t have as many people who swooned over my every utterance.
That was my Ego hanging out on the street corner, wondering why that other street light was brighter… I often have to shoo It back into the shadows, and remind It that I don’t need to prove anything to anybody, even if It thinks I do.
The truth is, I *do* channel. Every time I read, every time I do a Soul Plan. And what I channel is for each person separately.
I have my own angels, my own spirit guides. Baruchiel, my guardian angel, has occasionally weighed in when I’m writing a book. But we don’t convene every day to give sonorous phrases to the world.
My channeling comes through living my life. What I do, how I walk my path, what I learn. I’ll often share that with you, but it comes from this brain and understanding, not something on the Astral or another Universe. Does that mean it’s less worthy? Nope. It simply means that my job is to live my channelings for you all, rather than simply tell you in trance.
Does that make me better or worse than these other channelers? Neither. It makes me me.
So I say to my fellow intuitives: don’t worry if you’re not channeling deathless prose. Your methods make you you. They were given to you by Spirit based on your inherent skills, your clarity and how well it suits the prebirth plan you gave yourself. And valuing yourself primarily by the world’s value of money and things and fame is the fastest way to lose the abilities you have, and find yourself hanging out on those unhelpful street corners.
Not everyone is made for glitter and spotlights. Some of us are the simple workaday clothes of Spirit. And what we bring is every bit as valuable…just less showy.