The Ethics of a Professional Psychic

Corbie Mitleid
10 min readMar 13, 2022


Fifty years of reading for people? I’ve needed to have a clear set of ethics to do it well.

There are ethics, standards and soul-searching requirements for anyone who wants to be a professional intuitive or Lightworker. Here are a few “Master Commandments” that have nothing to do with which tools you use or certifications you hold, but everything to do with how you put your work out to the public and respect the power (yes, power) you’ve been given to help change the world, one perspective at a time.

Anita Merrick, a/k/a Crystal Wind. Certified Tarot Master and one of the best in the business.


When we have a problem we can’t solve, decisions that need a clear perspective, or a longing to reach the seemingly unreachable, we want an intuitive who is competent, caring, and truthful. And that’s what you should offer your clients.

Competent means that you can, indeed, do what you say you can do (psychometry, channeling, mediumship, healing) — and do it well enough to provide the answers clients seek without resorting to guesses and “fudge factor.”

Caring means that you have compassion for the client and know how to deliver even the toughest of messages with sensitivity.

Truthful means that you don’t tell the client what they want to hear if that is contrary to what Spirit feels they need to hear.

It also means that you have a professional demeanor at all times. That includes ensuring your work area feels safe and welcoming to your clients, and your dress and presentation show your respect for them. You are as much a professional as a lawyer, a doctor, an accountant, a teacher.

The more you “own” that level of professionalism, the better your relationship will be with your clients (and the more your work will be respected).

I can’t begin to tell you how much is WRONG about this perspective.


It’s so tempting these days to dream about being famous. It’s all around us. There are psychic radio shows and reality shows.

The big-name intuitives like Lisa Williams, John Holland and James Van Praagh all command huge venues and huger ticket prices.

Some folks have so many peripherals (books, oracle decks, daily calendars, iPhone apps) that they rake in money whether or not they see clients.

And, while there are famous people in every industry, the vast majority of folks are solid, everyday workers. They make a living at what they do and never gain a high profile (or fat bank accounts).

At the same time, they’re as worthy of respect and can do work equal to those big-name people because it’s where their hearts are. It’s what they truly want to do.

On the other hand, there are those folks who come into this field thinking they’ll grow massive client lists overnight after reading one or two “how to” books and practicing on friends and family for only a few months.

If they’re looking to instantly generate peripherals and books and immediately make a good living doing intuitive work, it’s pretty clear they’re looking at the wrong profession — and they will be sorely disappointed. As with anything, it takes time.

(The Universe makes sure such people get weeded out pretty rapidly, which is no bad thing.)

We professional psychics are here because people need our guidance. And, often, that need is urgent and personal. So, reading by rote from a book or a card deck simply won’t cut it.

We are counselors and cheerleaders and clear guides into the unknown and the future — our counsel is to be valued. Yet the vast majority of people who need us do not have thousands and thousands of dollars to pay us.

Does that mean you should give away your abilities for free or that it’s “wrong” to accept money? Not at all. “The laborer is worthy of his hire,” as the saying goes.

If you are going to be in service to the people around you, what you charge must reflect that. The late Sylvia Brown used to charge $800 for 20 minutes. Somehow, I don’t think your average household can afford that kind of reading.

Charge according to your years of experience: someone who has read for four years is not going to have the perspective or skills of someone who has read for forty. Also, take into account where you live: Des Moines, IA and Casper, WY will have a different fee scale than New York City, Los Angeles or London, England.

I don’t care how much you need that money. Don’t compromise yourself, or your gift.


As we’ve already covered, you aren’t in this to make millions. However, it’s normal to want to earn enough money to make a decent living. That, also, means there will be times when money earned through wrong use of talents will be awfully tempting, especially when bills are due.

What is bad or unearned money?

Here are some examples:

· When you know that a client is becoming dependent on you and asking for readings too often, but you still schedule sessions with them.

· When a client comes back to you over and over with the same questions, clearly not listening to what you say nor applying what you’ve discussed to further their life, yet you continue to read for them.

· When you make up things to keep a client happy.

· When you “fudge” a reading to hide the fact that you weren’t able to make a connection with the client.

· When you read for an online site where the caller asks for inappropriate information on someone else — or, otherwise, impossible-to-answer questions — and you keep them on the line longer than necessary to up your fee.

· When you tell someone they are “cursed” and they have to pay you extra for the curse to be removed.

· When you agree to show a client how to steal a boy/girlfriend from someone else, get someone else out of their way for a job promotion, make a neighbor move away, anything that trespasses on someone else’s free will. Whether or not you think you can actually DO this is almost beside the point. In any event, it is absolutely, unequivocally WRONG.

In these circumstances — some being minor transgressions, others considered to be major ethical lapses — the money you earn will not help you, no matter how much you need it. You will get an unfavorable reputation in the long run. Clients who are savvy about their intuitive will not engage your services. And you are skirting the law in several states.

Yes, we should be paid for our efforts; but only if they are honest ones.

Don’t lie awake at night worrying about ”did I get it right?” for an unhappy client. Leave that to Spirit.


You are invariably going to hit a point where the information you give to a client isn’t what they want to hear.

You don’t see a relationship where they want one.

They aren’t going to be able to keep their job.

They are not going to be rich or famous.

Their child is not going to magically behave or dump the person who the client despises.

In other words, life isn’t rainbows and unicorns, and that’s what you have for them from Spirit. And they are going to get up from your table and tell you not only are you LOUSY but why would ANYONE pay you for that kind of obvious LIE?

Conversely, you might do some amazing sessions of channeling or mediumship or past-life retrieval. These sessions might crack open a great enlightenment moment for the client and literally change their life in an instant. Then, the client might well say you are THE most amazing intuitive they have EVER known and you MUST have a unique connection nobody else can get.

Either way, the truth is: You are the garden hose. The megaphone. The hammer that whacks the nail into the deck flooring. All these are tools held by the Master Gardener, the Master of Ceremonies, or the Master Contractor.

When you start “believing your own press,” good or bad, you are right back in Ego.

If someone gives me those kinds of comments, I just smile and shrug. To the ones complaining, I respond: “I’m sorry, but I respect you enough to tell you what I am hearing. I won’t change or back down on what I’ve said.” To those who compliment me fulsomely: “Thanks, but I’m not special. You can do what I do.” And both are true.

When you realize you are the tool being used by Spirit to communicate, to heal, to inspire or to awaken, you delight in the work you get to do. But you don’t worry about “What can I do for an encore?”

Leave that to the One who uses Its tools in a purposeful and knowledgeable fashion.

All religions at one point or another, have honored “mystics.”


As we’ve talked about earlier, if you understand that it is Spirit bringing you the information and skills to help people in their lives, then you understand you are not doing this work in a vacuum. And whether you believe that the Singular Point of Creation is God, Source, Spirit, or any variation thereof, it is important for you to connect with your Source every single day.

The Psychic Twins, Terry and Linda Jamison, are Buddhists; they make a point of meditation every day.

A friend on the Red Road, Blessing Woman, smudges and greets the East every morning.

A Jewish medium makes a point of a gratitude prayer as her final act of the day.

Whether you are Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan or believe in Ralph the Wonder Dog doesn’t matter. Someone/Something Upstairs loves you, wants the best for you, and is willing to work with you.

Knowing you’re not alone also helps you when you are doing a long, grueling day at a holistic expo, or handling hundreds at a corporate event, or immersing yourself in hours of mediumship for an entire family — any situation where you are asked to connect with Spirit for an extended amount of time.

People often ask me how I did 11-hour show days, week after week. I cheerfully grin and say, “I get a ‘reader’s high.’” It’s quite true! When I am working for Spirit and I know the Upstairs Folks have my back, my endurance, sharpness and joy make reading many people for hours something that brings me pure delight.

Remember, it takes a two-way connection for you to tap into the Benevolence. When you make time to connect with the One who has asked you to do the work you do, the idea that you are in this all alone dissolves.

You stop trying to solve everything yourself. Ego drops away. You allow yourself to be filled with Infinite and Unconditional Love, which is the basis for every soul and experience that comes your way.

And you are willing and able to do the best work you possibly can for the World.

If you catch yourself being a “Swami Swellanda” clone — stop right there.


I’ve written on this before, but here’s that lecture again in a nutshell:

The Mentor pushes you a bit further than you think you can go, pushes you out of the nest just before you think you can fly, and applauds wildly in your audience when you get an award for being better at what they do than they are. Perfect example? Meryl Streep thanking her Yale drama professor as she accepts an Oscar, who beams at her as he watches her acceptance speech. THAT’s a mentor.

The Guru keeps assuring you “You’re getting there,” as they upsell you with more sessions, more classes, more work, and more time with… the Guru. And, at a price. If you stand your ground with the Guru, you will be told you are falling away from the path — that they are so disappointed in you, you’re not worthy to do the work you have chosen to do, and on and on and on.

This is a Shadow Teacher. This is someone showing you what you might turn into if you forget you are in service. It’s not about us, it’s not about being better or holier or more enlightened than anyone else. We do not judge others’ fitness for this profession; we allow the Universe to take care of that.

You want to be the Mentor, not the Guru.


Lastly, I would remind you simply of this: you are being entrusted with people’s hopes and dreams… with their self-image and their doubts… with their vulnerability and their boundaries. Be worthy of that trust.

Remember that you are there for them, not for you.

Remember that you are the “tube” through which the information comes, in the service of That From Which All Proceeds.

Remember that, at the end of the day, you may never see them again. But what you say may echo within their minds and hearts for the rest of their lives.

Be worthy of that trust — both theirs, and the One Who has asked you to do Its work.



Corbie Mitleid
Corbie Mitleid

Written by Corbie Mitleid

Psychic medium & channel since 1973. Author. Certified Tarot Master, past life specialist. I take my work seriously, me not so much.

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