Spiritual Awakening: Your Golden Ticket to the Universe

Corbie Mitleid
4 min readFeb 16, 2022

When you first enter the metaphysical playground, there are all kinds of rides. How do I astral project? Am I an intuitive? Can I remember past lives? But the one that most people get to, sooner or later, is the Big One.

What is a Spiritual Awakening? Can I get one? How long until I can get one?

Oh, my friends, I do laugh at this. But I laugh WITH you, not AT you. Because every single one of us has come upon that great mysterious mountain, and wondered how we would ever climb it — that is, if we could even get a ticket in the first place.

Spiritual Awakening is the moment when the fabric of reality shifts.

All of a sudden the half-asleep existence round is shattered.

Instead of the mindless wanting, working, feeding the senses, subliminal judging of everything and everybody, living in the realms of Fear and Scarcity and Never Good Enough — we stop.

Something within or without puts the brakes on for us, asks us to look within and beyond all of the mindless wheel-spinning of everyday life.

Is there a right way to have a Spiritual Awakening?

No, no and no.

Remember that comparing yourself to others is the Ego’s insidious way of stripping the moment of its connection to Spirit and Source.

If you find yourself thinking Is my Spiritual Awakening as good as Mary’s or Elizabeth’s or Sidney’s? Are they more enlightened than I am because theirs was better/faster/different? then you’ve been pulled back into the Illusional World.

What is a Spiritual Awakening?

It’s when you realize that you have Unconditional Love, Connection, and Support surrounding you.

You accept that you are not in this existence alone; that there is an Eternal and Central Connection that has always been there, whether or not you have been aware of it.

The world expands, and instead of considering yourself a citizen of your state or country, of a political party or a subculture, you realize that you are a singular being woven into the fabric in the Universe, and there is so, so much more to explore, connect with, and embrace.

How does a Spiritual Awakening change you?

Sometimes it happens in slow shifts, as your view of the world alters day by day. What is real and what is illusion, what you want to include in your life and what you want to release, what is truth and what is deceit, all come up for examination.

Or sometimes there can be a life-shattering event: a near-death experience, a diagnosis of illness, a divorce, a death, or a world situation that touches everyone on the planet. These catapult you out of complacency into a moment-by-moment awareness of what the world is really about behind the illusional curtain.

But no matter what precipitates the Spiritual Awakening, you can be assured that your guides, angels and Spirit have chosen that moment to wake you.

In that moment, they offer you the golden ticket of consciousness that lifts you above the half-asleep existence you’ve lived until now.

Will you accept it? That will be up to you. But if you do…your life, your mind, your everything will never be the same again…

…which is exactly what a Golden Ticket is meant to do.



Corbie Mitleid

Psychic medium & channel since 1973. Author. Certified Tarot Master, past life specialist. I take my work seriously, me not so much. https://corbiemitleid.com