Pay Fair to Play Fair
Before the Big Bug Adventure, I loved doing psychic fairs, spiritual expos, and holistic events. (It’s why I had the nickname of The Travel Channel.)
They were a great way for me to make contact with people who may not live close to me, but who wanted to sit with me for a Tarot reading, or mediumship, or to contact spirit guides or angels, or touch in with their past lives. And they really did want to see what a psychic medium does “up close and personal.”
After two years, I’m back to doing them in a limited way. I know clients have been chomping at the bit to get back to expos, and it will be great to see them again.
But the first thing I need to remind people is this:
There’s a great deal that goes into a show appearance that most people don’t think about.
There’s the booth fee (anywhere between $150 and $1,000, depending on the venue and the length of the show).
Then there’s the hotel. And paying my front person. And gas, tolls, and food.
It’s not just the financial overhead that gets factored in, either. There are other dynamics in play.
Being away from the husband I love for ten to twelve days every month has its own emotional tariff.
Now add in the years I’ve spent learning my craft, the courses I’ve taken, the sheer number of people I read for every year and the energy it takes for me to see person after person for anywhere from eight to eleven hours a day.
Yes, that’s right: up to eleven hours a day at my booth. When I do a show, I’m there to work. I share answers, bring in people from the Other Side, help with questions on romance, finances, career, spiritual roads, life paths, and all the things we humans have to deal with on our “everyday tour bus.”
I rarely take a break; it’s far more important to me that I sit with my client and focus on them with compassion and care — to bring them the best psychic reading experience I can.
And to go from client to client to client, with complete focus, complete compassion, constantly reaching into the Aethers, to Spirit Guides and those on the Other Side, using far more senses than just the usual five — trust me, at the end of the show day I’m completely exhausted, no matter how much I’ve enjoyed the proceedings.
All that said, I do charge for my readings. The pricing set for my appointments is fair, and generally in line with other practitioners with my skill set and level of experience. At the same time, there are always those people who come to me and say one of five things:
“How about doing a reading for less? At least you’re getting paid.”
“Can my friend and I have a reading together and only pay for one?”
“Here, do a free reading for me and if I’m impressed I’ll tell all my friends about you.”
“Wow. That’s a lot. But I really want a reading.” (Stands there, watches me, waiting for me to offer them a deal.)
“Why won’t you give me a free reading? You’re just greedy. You’re not very spiritual.” (Yes, to my face.)
None of these folks will get what they’re asking for. Why?
Because they expect me to value myself, my training, and my time LESS, just because they didn’t want to pay a fair wage for the services offered. So they try to to guilt me, bully me, or wheedle me into taking less for my services.
Think that’s fair? Well, let’s switch the profession in each case and see how that sounds:
To the hair stylist: “How about doing a cut for less money? At least you’re not standing around.”
To the plumber: “How about you change the pipes in my bathroom sink and replace my dishwasher, but I only pay for one service call?”
To the cleaner: “Clean my house a couple of times for free; if I think it’s good enough, I’ll tell everyone how good you are.”
To the dress shop owner: “Wow, that’s a lot for that dress. But I really want it for my party.” (Stop. Stare. Wait.)
To the physician: “Why won’t you see me for free? You’d rather I just got sick and died. You’re not very compassionate.”
These examples aren’t so far-fetched. In each one, the person who wants the services is trying guilt, manipulation, vague promises or outright wheeling-and-dealing to underpay for a service with a set price.
While I respect bargaining in some situations (some cultures EXPECT you to haggle), a psychic event isn’t one of them. And the more time you waste trying to get me to lower my price, the less time I have to take care of clients who are standing there, willing to pay fairly, and respect both my time and theirs.
So don’t be surprised if I ignore you. I’m certainly not inclined to give you a cut-rate appointment.
For those who accuse me of never doing a pro bono (Latin for “for the good”) reading: trust me, I do.
If someone comes up to me respectfully and asks about my services and simply says they don’t have the money that day, Spirit will sometimes nudge me and whisper, “This one needs you.”
And I always heed that whisper from Heaven. I’ll say, “Look, I can’t read you here at a discount, but I can do this: if you call me on (this day) at (this time), I’ll read you for free.”
I can do that ten times in a weekend, and it’s a certainty that only one or two make the effort to call me. That’s because they truly needed my guidance. The rest? Could care less; if they didn’t feel like they got a “win” in the situation by getting me to lower my price, they can’t be bothered to contact me later.
So, when you go to a psychic fair, remember these rules:
ONE: The admission price (usually somewhere between $5 and $20) just gets you in the door. There may be several lectures for you to go to which are included in the admission price. You’re welcome to “window shop” the psychics and vendors at the event, and they (or their assistants) will be more than happy to answer questions about services they provide, products they sell, and how they came to be in that segment of the metaphysical business world. But the admission price generally doesn’t include a reading.
TWO: Unless you have a specific psychic medium you really want to see, take your time. Visit each booth. Take a look at the setup and what’s on and around the table.
THREE: Talk directly to the psychic medium if you can, but if they’re busy doing a reading, please don’t interrupt them (would you want to have someone interrupt YOUR Tarot reading?). If they have an assistant, or a “front person,” talk to them. Otherwise read the information available: brochures, signs, testimonial books. These give you a feel for skill level, specialties, client interaction, and how people felt after a session at the table.
FOUR: Remember you’re putting out your hard-earned money. If the psychic doesn’t feel like they’re intelligent, honest, or truly engaged in supporting and empowering the client, don’t go to that person. Save that money for a psychic medium who’ll sincerely and actively support your quest to make your life more fulfilling, abundant and joyful.
The best reading is a two-way street, paved with mutual respect, professionalism, and willingness to engage. When you remember that your “fair pay” equals the psychic’s “fair play,” everyone leaves the session respected and empowered.