Is Divination Just For Expert Psychics?

Corbie Mitleid
4 min readFeb 4, 2022
All of us — even the best professionals — started out at the beginning of the Psychic Yellow Brick Road.

Divination has long been viewed as the province of specially gifted persons, such as prophets, shamans, and magicians.

If that’s your view of Divination, don’t bother consulting a psychic medium, an intuitive counselor, or a Tarot reader.

I’m serious.

In general, people fear knowing the future AND are almost desperate to do so.

Prophecy has been a pivotal part of countless plays, stories and morality tales, to the point where a simple crystal ball or deck of Tarot cards can terrify those who think they have no control over their own lives if the instrument of divination tells them disaster awaits.

No matter what tool you use, YOU are the one who determines the value of your information.

The truth is this: Divination can work to show you the hidden significance of events, offer suggestions for avoiding life’s pitfalls, and give you some ideas of what the future may hold.

But YOU, Dear Reader, are the one who determines how you will take and use that information.

There are literally hundreds of ways to look at the future and the past. Today, divination is used to give you tools to predict likely options and make your life what you want it to be.

If I have a sign above my desk on the Astral Plane, it reads, “Here are your opportunities and how to grab them…here are your challenges and how to get through or around them…here is YOUR toolbox, go rock and roll!”

There are four general criteria regarding divination methods that you need to understand when you start down the Psychic Yellow Brick Road:

You’re never going to be 100%.

FIRST: Always remember the “Rule of 85%” which is “even the best of us are only 85% accurate, because we’re human. The only one 100% accurate is God, and God is not doing readings this week.” You will not be perfect in your readings, and that’s part of the learning curve.

If you want to be a competent reader, you need to set time aside to practice. Every day.

SECOND: The GOOD side of being human is that if you have a reasonably functioning brain and are open to trial-and-error and practice, you can learn to get the information flowing through your psychic channels. However, it takes actively wanting to do it; it’s not an autonomic function like breathing.

You are in charge of your own life decisions. Always.

THIRD: You are in charge of your own life. What you discover through the process of learning to read is the information — not a directive from the Universe that you will collapse if you don’t follow the message to the letter.

There is nothing evil in psychic skills or talents.

FOURTH: There is nothing evil in what we do.

Not a thing.

All of the tools and information gained through their use are NEUTRAL, the way a fire is neutral: it can either warm a house or burn it down. But what is DONE with the fire determines its value.

Religions that view this work as Satanic, evil or sinful are religions that generally do not want people to seek answers outside what the Authorities tell them they should know.

And by the way? There are almost eight billion people on Earth, and I sure can’t read ’em all.

There is always room for another good, solid intuitive in the world — either one who reads just for themselves or one who decides to go the professional route — so don’t let anyone tell you that we don’t want you to learn to do what we do.

The Psychic Yellow Brick Road is available for all “wizards” — including you!

Welcome to the Psychic Yellow Brick Road!



Corbie Mitleid
Corbie Mitleid

Written by Corbie Mitleid

Psychic medium & channel since 1973. Author. Certified Tarot Master, past life specialist. I take my work seriously, me not so much.

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