About Me — Corbie Mitleid

Corbie Mitleid
About Me Stories
Published in
6 min readMar 1, 2022


Living the Examined Life. I take my work seriously, me not so much.

Yep, this is what a psychic looks like at 67.

Hi there. I’m Corbie Mitleid, and words are my drug of choice.

But wait, you’re saying, I thought you were a psychic or something.

Well, yes I am. But let me give you the “thirty second elevator speech” on that.

The book that started it all.

When I was nine, I read a book called “The Witch Family” by Eleanor Estes. And instead of thinking “ooh, that’s scary” or “hahaha,” I thought, “…and your point is?”

I knew there was magic in the world. I just had to find it.

The movie “Live and Let Die” took advantage of the 1970s psychic craze.

Fast forward to 1973, when I was a senior in high school working at Spencer Gifts. They had the James Bond 007 Tarot Deck and I bought it. (We were all hippies then.)

For 20 years I read for friends, fascinated by the cards and the stories they told. I learned to keep my ego shelved, so I could be a clear channel for what I was getting.

All of a sudden, in the early ’90s I could do hands-on healing and talk to dead people with no training. THAT was when the Universe handed me my draft notice and said, “Greetings. You’re working for Us.”

So I hung out my shingle part time, while pursuing a crazy-quilt of careers, jumping from place to place simply to figure out what I was. Actress, work-for-hire writer for the graphic novel series ELFQUEST, inspirational speaker, video producer, legal assistant, executive recruiter. But always the psychic work on the side.

The day before my life changed. New York City, September 10, 2001

Until 9/11.

As we watched the Towers burn, I turned to my husband and said, “I need to do this work full time. People need to know there are other answers out there.”

He nodded. “I believe in you. Go do it.”

So for one more year, I spent 70+ hours a week in the Corporate world, while doing psychic work evenings and weekends.

After a year, I kicked the door shut on Corporate and I have never looked back.

Now? A professional. (Don’t get stuck on that.) Certified Tarot Master and past life specialist, with a fistful of certifications and clients worldwide, and featured in a bestselling series on life between lives and pre-birth planning. I read about 1000 people a year.

The latest of many banners.

In fact, I’ve been working at it six days a week, EVERY week since 2002. For 18 years I was on the road up to 45 weekends a year and my nickname was “The Travel Channel.”

Suddenly at 65, Fate dealt me a back injury that said “your traveling days are over” — and honestly, the Universe did me a favor getting me off the road and concentrating on creating.

I love taking what I’ve learned in my roller-coaster life and sharing it with others. I’ve done it through my career — a psychic medium is really an “intuitive counselor,” and I help people find their own best selves and the courage to make their lives a passion, rather than a prison.

But there’s more to what I want to do than read one on one.

I want to reach across the globe.

I want to teach people in different countries, who see my face or read my words and say “You know, I think I could learn something from this person.”

I want to show people that what THEY know about themselves is more valuable than what a fortune teller might reveal, no matter how accurate their intuitive is.

I want to tell them, “If I got through what I got through, so can you. You can do what I do; I’m not special.”

Who am I, that I do all this?

The family in 1979. That’s me, in the front.

I’ve always been “the different one.” A writer and creative type in a completely medical family, I always made my own path rather than take one cut for me by others. Two years at Brown University told me college was nowhere to find myself, so I struck out to find where joy and purpose lived, regardless of what I was told I “ought” to be doing.

The path wasn’t easy. Two marriages, which didn’t last, and a constant search for The Partner Who Understood. A succession of jobs. A series of spiritual paths. Moving from Cambridge to Philadelphia to Poughkeepsie to New York City to Atlanta. Out of the blue, breast cancer — not once, but three times. Life became a roller coaster with no brakes, and I had to survive divorce, abuse, poverty and life-threatening illness. But through all of this, I learned the value of the Examined Life: meeting challenges and always asking the next question, facing each new situation with strength, courage and humor.

With all of that, I still managed to find a career I love, a husband who’s a true partner, and peace within myself regarding this life that looks nothing like what I expected as a youngster — or was told would make me “good enough” to compete in the world.

It’s my life, won by hard work, looking myself in the mirror, and asking “Who are you — really?” And never settling for a false answer.

My father — best friend, cheering section, and inspiration. My favorite picture of us.

How did words get to be that drug? My father, a poet as well as a doctor, was my best friend and unceasing cheering section. He believed that words were magic — he encouraged me to write every single day, even if it was just a paragraph.

So I did. So I do. And writing for me has become as vital as breathing.

Writing is a magical way to reach someone you might never meet. I’ve gotten three books out on my own — a self-help volume, Clean Out Your LifeCloset that encourages you to write your own story of change based on your history, your life experiences, and your personal goals. The Psychic Yellow Brick Road and You’ve Got The Magic, Who Needs A Genie? deal with how to use psychic counseling wisely, and how to be a successful part of the holistic expo community from the professional side of the aisle.

These days? Medium is my venue of choice, and there’s a story just about every day. It can be about my career… my skillset… what Life has taught me in the past or deposited on my doorstep on a given morning… the musings of an Elder (very different from a Boomer) — and occasionally something dictated by one of my three Mewpurrvisors, Manfred, Prawn (both Maine Coons) and Harley (a Ginger Ninja of a rescue cat.)

The Mewpurrvisors: top to bottom Harley, Prawn and Manfred.

So come play. Come support learning how to trust your own knowing, and finding your own North Star to move forward in life with complete joy.

And it would be a treasure beyond price to me to know that I’ve got someone like you to share my writing with.

Want to learn more about me? The best place is https://corbiemitleid.com



Corbie Mitleid
About Me Stories

Psychic medium & channel since 1973. Author. Certified Tarot Master, past life specialist. I take my work seriously, me not so much. https://corbiemitleid.com